
Explore a holistic, 简化了高中毕业后申请学士学位课程的流程.

A group of people sitting at tables.

Dive into application materials and explore ​​admissions requirements from high school for your major.

All first-year applicants are required to submit the following:

  • 完成 常见的应用程序 with essay, application fee and writing supplements
  • Official transcripts for all completed 课程
  • One teacher recommendation
  • One counselor recommendation/secondary school report
  • 国外博彩app is test-optional. 如果你想把你的ACT或SAT成绩作为你申请的一部分, 您将在您的通用申请中注明这一点,并将被要求提交测试机构的官方考试成绩.




Start Your Application

First-Year Application 最后期限 

Early Action: November 15

Regular Decision: January 15 

时间轴 & 最后期限

看到 admissions requirements for the major you’re considering. 入学要求包括高中课程先决条件等, GPA and English language proficiency.


Discover all the majors you could take at 国外博彩app, and find the one you’re most interested in.

Explore Undergraduate Programs

Check out required application materials and make a plan. A complete application includes the following:

  • 常见的应用程序 with completed essays and short answers
  • Official high school transcripts
  • One teacher recommendation
  • One counselor recommendation or school report
  • Nonrefundable $60 application fee (waivers available)
  • 获得大学学分的学生还必须提交正式的大学成绩单
  • 可选: ACT or SAT reports
    • 通过通用申请的自我报告分数或高中成绩单上列出的分数被接受.
    • Please note: If you choose to submit test scores, the writing sections of either test are not required.
    • 了解更多国外博彩app applying test-optional to 国外博彩app.

了解更多国外博彩app applying as a homeschool applicant, Running Start applicant or undocumented applicant.


In addition to your Personal Essay on the 常见的应用程序, 所有申请者都被要求完成一篇短文,并可以选择回答一个国外博彩app包容和归属感的问题. Some programs—like Nursing—have additional essay requirements.

简短的回答 & 论文的问题

常见的应用程序 Short Essay位于世界顶尖的科技和创新城市之一,深深植根于500年的耶稣会传统, a 国外博彩app education is innovative, global and holistic. We encourage students to challenge preconceived notions, reflect before they react and strive for the greater good. What is it that drew you to apply to 国外博彩app? Where do you hope a 国外博彩app education will take you?

Belonging and Inclusion Short Essay (Optional)国外博彩app,我们受到校园社区多样性的启发,并致力于营造公平的文化, inclusion and belonging are hallmarks of who we are. Tell us about an experience you have had involving equity, inclusion or belonging—whether through celebration, 灵感, 挑战或逆境——以及为什么它对你有意义,以及它将如何展示你为大学做出贡献的独特能力.

Essay for Nursing Applicants护理课程是一个竞争激烈的课程,学生可以直接进入四年制的护理课程. 护理学院的使命是教育和激励领导者将医疗保健转变为一个公正和人道的世界. 你为什么申请国外博彩app的护理专业?这个专业的哪些方面让你特别感兴趣? Please limit your response to 250 words or less.

你做到了! 干得好! 我们将仔细、周到、全面地审查您申请的每个部分. 我们迫不及待地想了解更多国外博彩app你的目标,以及国外博彩app的教育如何支持你的愿景. 

招生 Decisions Response 时间轴 

  • 在提前行动截止日期前申请的学生将在12月中旬通过红鹰招生门户网站收到录取决定. 
  • Regular Decision applicants will hear back by mid-March. 
  • 在1月15日之后完成申请的学生将在可用空间的基础上进行考虑. 

查看状态 & 保持联系 

When you submit your 常见的应用程序 to 国外博彩app, 您将收到一封后续电子邮件,以访问红鹰招生门户.  

你的红鹰招生门户是你的一站式商店,检查你的申请状态, 查看任何遗漏的材料,并查看有关录取过程的重要更新. 

During our review process, 如果我们需要更多的信息,或者我们想邀请你申请大学荣誉课程,我们会联系你的.  

Be sure to check the portal regularly for updates.

The nonrefundable $60 fee can be waived for the following students: 

  • 有兄弟姐妹、父母或祖父母毕业于国外博彩app的学生
  • Students who attend or graduated from a Jesuit or Catholic high school
  • Students who qualify for a  SAT or ACT fee waiver
  • Students who attend 国外博彩app's Summer Preview event
  • Students who participate in the Rainier Scholars program
  • 通过普通申请获得困难学费减免资格的学生 


应用ing Test-Optional

国外博彩app招生办对所有一年级申请者采用可选择考试的申请审查程序. 你可以选择是否把你的ACT或SAT考试成绩纳入你的入学申请的整体审查.

If you choose to submit your test scores, 国外博彩app在录取和课程安排时将使用ACT和SAT推理测试的最高分.

International Students

虽然国际学生不需要提交SAT或ACT, 招生办公室建议你参加任何一门考试并提交你的分数.

Test Scores of Incoming First-year 

1160-1360 SAT Score
Middle 50% Among 被录取的学生

24-30 ACT分数
Middle 50% Among 被录取的学生

Add 国外博彩app to your schools in the 常见的应用程序. When you reach SU’s school-specific portion of the application, you may elect to not report your scores. 在您的通用申请 提交之前,可以对您的测试可选决定进行调整. After you have submitted you cannot change your test-optional status.

招生 employs a holistic review process using transcripts, 课程, 年级的趋势, 推荐信和其他申请材料,不包括SAT或ACT考试成绩.

If admitted to the university, you will be admitted directly to the program for which you are applying, 一个与你高中课程更一致的预咨询项目或不同的专业.

No. 如果你觉得你的学术在没有标准化考试成绩的情况下得到了很好的体现, 我们将使用您申请的其他元素进行全面审查. 

If you apply test-optional, 奖学金和经济援助的考虑将与申请标准化考试成绩的申请人保持一致. 

申请提前录取(Early Action)的学生必须不迟于 11月15日收到考试成绩 ,申请常规录取(Regular Decision)的学生必须不迟于 1月15日收到考试成绩.

我们将暂时接受共同申请的自我报告分数来完成申请, 但如果他们选择上州立大学,你需要提供官方成绩. 

国外博彩app School Codes







Your admissions counselor is here to support you every step of the way. 国外博彩app论文问题或申请审查过程的问题也可以直接向招生办公室提出.
